Summertime Tips – Barbeque & Grill Safety

Summertime Tips – Barbeque & Grill Safety

Last Updated: Jul 2023 | Categories: Car Insurance, Popular

A man barbeques on a patio overlooking a lake. Cheep Charlie lounges in a patio chair in sunglasses.

Whether you’re a landlord, tenant, or homeowner, barbeque safety helps keep all of our homes safe. As Atlantic Canadians, we love hosting BBQs and having the family over on those few perfect sunny days to enjoy the sun before it disappears again. It’s important to make sure it’s safety first to prevent accidents and potential property damage. With some help from our friends at Aviva, we’re here to share summer safety suggestions to keep you having fun in the sun.

In residential buildings such as apartment complexes and family homes, the most common risks come from:

• Barbecues stored and used on balconies
• Propane tanks stored indoors
• Operating a barbecue too close to combustibles (ex. vinyl or wood siding)

If you do live in an apartment or condo, make sure to always check with your landlord as well as provincial rules on having barbeque units on your balcony or outdoor space.

No matter where you live, always keep the following tips in mind:

Summertime Tips for BBQ Safety


Place your grill or barbeque in an outdoor area away from flammable materials like trees, buildings, or other structures. A good rule of thumb is to have the barbeque at least 1 meter away from any other objects. Make sure it’s on a stable and level surface, and never use a grill or barbeque inside.


Never leave a grill unattended while it’s in use. Accidents can happen quickly, so keep a close eye on your grill whenever it is turned on or being used. Of course, always make sure to have a working and inspected fire extinguisher nearby – better safe than sorry!

Propane Safety

If using a propane grill, store propane tanks in an upright position in a place where they are unlikely to be knocked or bumped over. Before turning on the gas, inspect each connection and hose. You can check for gas leaks by applying a soapy water solution to the connections and hoses – if bubbles form, there’s a leak, and you should have it repaired before using the grill. When finished, turn the propane tank off before the burners so that any gas still in the lines can “burn off”. This can help prevent a flash the next time you start the BBQ.

Charcoal Safety

Use only charcoal starter fluid to ignite coals and never add it to an already lit fire – never use gas or kerosene as a starter. Once you’re finished cooking, let the coals cool completely before disposing of them in a metal container. Make sure to dispose of any coals far away from wooded areas or buildings.

BBQ Maintenance & Cleanliness

Keep your BBQ in tip-top shape. A lot can happen over the winter, like hose breakage and valve leaks – make sure to test all valves and connections before lighting the grill. While cooking, always use long-handled grilling tools to keep a safe distance from the heat and prevent burns. Clean grates and trays after each use to prevent grease buildup.

Fire Safety & Insurance

Of course, we can’t have a blog that doesn’t talk about insurance! (It is what we do, after all.) Following the above steps is the best way to keep your grill a safe space – but nothing is fool proof. If you do end up with a fire that’s larger than it should be, have your fire extinguisher ready. Never use water to try to extinguish a grease fire – always have baking soda nearby to help, or a special fire extinguisher that is meant for grease fires. If the situation does get out of control, don’t hesitate to call 911. Afterwards, our team will help you navigate insurance coverage for any grill-related incidents such as fire damage or liability coverage.

By following these grill and barbeque safety guidelines, you can enjoy a delicious and worry-free summer cooking experience. Stay safe, have fun, and enjoy the flavors of the season!